Wonder wits

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Wild Ideas

Game plan

When Sarah and Luke need to invent their own toy they meet their toy-inventor idol, Mr Flukelar, and he shares some tricks of the trade.

Wild Ideas

What's next?

Luke and Sophie are invited to spend the night in the Tomorrow Lab of Future Industries where they view some of the inventions being tested, and come up with some futuristic ideas of their own.


When Aunt Stella takes Luke and Sophie to search for artist's treasure, they explore ways of seeing and different ways of creating, and try various materials.

Wild ideas

Sophie and Luke go to Camp Invention where they meet Professor Beezley, a scientist who shows them how nature is the ultimate inventor and problem solver.

Wonder worlds

When it is announced that their favorite comic series is ending, Luke and Sophie go in search of its creator in order to try and save the series.

Look out!

Frustrated over their latest invention, the Boomerang Ball, Luke and Sophia meet a woman with an interest in accidental inventions.

Bony puzzle

When Luke and Sophie go in search of people who figure out what dinosaurs looked like and how they lived, they discover that piecing together an accurate model of a dinosaur includes science, art, imagination, and endless questioning.

Gadget hero

When Luke and Sophie are school-newspaper reporters at a Gadget Fair, they notice small signs in strange spots around the building saying "Thanks Hero," and they set out to find out who is behind the signs.
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