street theater

Topical Term
street theater

Passing the hat

street performers in America
Discusses buskers in a number of cities, focusing on their reasons for street performing; the dedication, skill, and discipline required to develop an act; and unpleasantries with hasslers and the law.

Passing the hat

street performers in America
Discusses buskers in a number of cities, focusing on their reasons for street performing; the dedication, skill, and discipline required to develop an act; and unpleasantries with hasslers and the law.

Turn to stone

Nick, a sixteen-year-old runaway, is selected for training at a secluded mansion to become one of the elite of living statues, actors who can live a life of ease if they are willing to train hard enough and please their mysterious benefactor, but who may be destroyed if they do not measure up.

Papa Lucky's shadow

story and pictures
With his granddaughter's help, Papa Lucky takes his love of dancing onto the street and makes some extra money.

Bravo, Zan Angelo!

a commedia dell'arte tale with story & pictures
In Renaissance Venice, Angelo, longing to be as famous a clown as his grandfather, decides to do something special with his small part in his grandfather's commedia dell'arte production during Carnival.

Kamishibai man

After many years of retirement, an old Kamishibai man--a Japanese street performer who tells stories and sells candies--decides to make his rounds once more even though such entertainment declined after the advent of television.
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