Experience world mythology's most legendary sibling rivalries. Featuring a story of Thor and Loki (a Norse myth) and of Isis and Osiris (an Egyptian myth).
A graphic novel depicting the adventures of brothers Thor and Loki, two gods who travel to the land of giants and face many challenges in order to solve an argument.
la espada Excalibur desenvainada : una leyenda inglesa
Limke, Jeff
A graphic novel adaptation of the legend of Arthur, who stumbles upon the sword in the stone, becomes England's king, and is faced with the challenge of bringing peace to a country in chaos.
When Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny stop in a cabin during their trip down the Mississippi River, they begin to suspect that the building is haunted and set out to find a ghost.
Guided by Merlin the Magician, Arthur takes his place as the rightful heir to England's throne. He receives the sword Escalibur and wins the loyalty of the knights of the Round table. But can the young king win peace and freedom for England?.
A graphic novel retelling of the legend of King Arthur and the love between his queen, Guinivere, and his greatest knight, Lancelot, that caused the fall of Camelot.
Retells the Greek myth of Jason, the rightful ruler of Iolcus whose throne was stolen from him as a child, and who returns as a young man to claim his birthright only to face a difficult test. Presented in graphic format.