juvenile fiction

juvenile fiction

Sputnik's guide to life on earth

When Prez's grandfather is diagnosed with dementia, he's sent to live in a foster home, but when he meets a talking dog named Sputnik, together, they come up with a plan to save the world.
Cover image of Sputnik's guide to life on earth

The Joplin tornado, 2011

A young boy in the middle of one of the deadliest tornado to strike the United States since 1947.

A world of trouble

More mischief and trouble abound during Seamus Hinkle's second semester at Kilter Academy, where the students earn credit for behaving badly and the adults are keeping huge secrets.
Cover image of A world of trouble


"Hay algo inusual en este pueblo... Catrina y su familia se est?an mudando a la costa norte de California porque su hermana menor, Maya, est?a enferma. Cat no quiere ir a Bah?ia de la Luna y dejar a sus amigas, pero Maya tiene fibrosis qu?istica y el aire salado y fr?io que sopla desde la bah?ia le sentar?a bien. Cuando las chicas salen a conocer el vecindario, alguien les revela un secreto: en Bah?ia de la Luna hay fantasmas. Maya se empe?na en conocer a uno, pero Cat no quiere tener nada que ver con ellos. A medida que se acerca la ?epoca del a?no en que los fantasmas se re?unen con sus seres queridos, Cat debe encontrar la manera de hacer a un lado sus miedos por el bien de su hermana... y por el suyo tambi?en,"--page [4] of cover.

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and his friends return as teenagers to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for their third year of study, where they delve into the mystery surrounding an escaped prisoner who seems to pose a threat to Harry. Presented in Arabic.


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