space ships

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space ships

The wreck of The River of Stars

In the mid-twenty-first century, the fleet of sailing ships which transports passengers and cargo to all corners of the solar system is threatened by the creation of the Farnsworth fusion drive, and only one ship, The River of Stars, is able to continue its service.

Faith and the rocket cat

Faith and her family return to their home in San Francisco and have more adventures in the spaceship Peahen while trying to keep secret the fact that Edison the dog knows how to write.


BURN-E works hard to get a burned out light fixed, but when another robot accidentally locks him out, BURN-E must use his skills to find a way back inside the ship.

The Tachyon Web

Five young thrill seekers steal a spaceship for a joy-ride to the stars, but one of them has a plan--to blast beyond the Tachyon Web. There they will find excitement and heart-stopping adventure, if they survive.

The Klingon gambit

a Star trek novel
Captain Kirk and his crew are ordered to Alnath II to challenge the Klingon starship Terror. Unfortunately everyone onboard seems to be losing their minds and the Klingons are ready to destroy them.

Sheep blast off!

A flock of bumbling sheep decide to investigate a spaceship that has landed in their meadow, and soon find themselves on the ride of their lives.

A million suns

Amy is unplugged and holds to the hope that life on "Godspeed" will be better with Elder in charge, but when she and Elder discover shocking news about the ship, they must race to decipher a puzzle while romance blossoms between them.


A medical emergency summons the Enterprise to the Federation outpost of Tanis. There, two of the lab's three researchers are dead. The sole survivor has a secret that will rock the foundations of Starfleet.

The killing of worlds

Captain Laurent Zai of the Imperial frigate Lynx fights what seems to be an unwinnable battle to stop a vastly superior Rix ship from reaching the planet Legis.


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