Gilman, Phoebe

Compare Name: 

Jillian Jiggs

Jilliam likes to dress up and play,m but she never quite gets around to cleaning her roomm.

Little Blue Ben

Little Blue Ben lives in the glen with his brother, Blue Cat, and their mother, Blue Hen...

The gypsy princess

A gypsy girl who gets the opportunity to live in a palace as a princess finds she prefers her gypsy life after all.

L'arbre aux ballons

Princess Leora likes balloons very much, but her evil uncle hates them and destroys all the balloons but one.

Algo de nada

adaptaci?n de un cuento folkl?rico jud?o
In this retelling of a traditional Jewish folktale, Joseph's baby blanket is transformed into ever smaller items as he grows until there is nothing left--but then Joseph has an idea.

A treasury of Jillian Jiggs

Collects the entire series about the well-meaning but troublesome Jillian Jiggs, and presents the complete script for "The Chicken Princess," with information about the inspiration for each story, lists of hidden items in the illustrations, and a biography of the author.

Jillian Jiggs and the great big snow

At the end of a wonderful day playing with her friends in the snow, Jillian Jiggs realizes she has lost her scarf, hat, and mittens.

Something for nothing

Jillian Jiggs

How can Jillian be expected to clean her room when she's always so busy?.

Something from nothing

In this Jewish folktale, the blanket Joseph's grandfather made himtakes on many forms as the years go by, from a jacket to a button. And when the button is lost, Joseph proves he can make something from nothing - when he writes a story about it!.


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