common fallacies

Topical Term
common fallacies

World War I made soldiers' feet rot!

the fact or fiction behind battles and wars
Presents common beliefs about battles and wars, discussing whether they are fact or fiction.

Blackbeard's headless body swam around his ship!

the fact or fiction behind pirates
Explores popular myths, legends, sayings and notions about pirates.

Think again!

false facts attacked, errors exploded, myths busted
Explains how many common misconceptions are incorrect.

True or false?

the book of big questions & unbelievable answers
An encyclopedic compendium of facts, images, and infographics brings familiar topics to life and helps readers discover fun-filled trivia and statistics in a range of subjects, from science and history, to culture and the natural world.

Myths Busted! 2.

Just When You Thought You Knew What You Knew ...
Explores more than one hundred tall tales, suspicious stories, and urban myths, revealing how each has been disproven, with facts about myth origins, historical significance, and how they were investigated by scientific debunkers.

Everything you know is wrong

the Disinformation guide to secrets and lies
Collection of commonly believed fallacies, misconceptions,and misstatements; and looks at how they originated and provides factual replies.

Heavenly errors

misconceptions about the real nature of the universe
Identifies more than 1,700 common misconceptions about science and nature and discusses their origins, from incomplete reasoning to sensory misperception.

Boy, were we wrong about dinosaurs!

Describes how information and ideas about prehistoric dinosaurs are constantly changing as new discoveries are made.

Stupid history

tales of stupidity, strangeness, and mythconceptions throughout the ages
A humorous take on hundreds of historical legends and debacles, including the ride of Samuel Prescott into Concord, not Paul Revere. Includes the only time Isaac Newton spoke in Parliament, and it was to ask that a window be opened. Students of history, and those who could care less about history, will find the "facts" they have been taught are not always factual, but more fanciful.

The book of common fallacies

falsehoods, misconceptions, flawed facts, and half-truths that are ruining your life
A collection of alphabetized entries on common misconceptions, flawed facts and half-truths.


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