Tolan, Stephanie S

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Plague year

Sixteen-year-old David becomes intimately involved when a scandal is discovered about the strange new boy in his high school and everyone else turns against him.

Marcy Hooper and the greatest treasure in the world

Third-grader Marcy, who can't seem to do anything right, has an adventure involving a dragon and treasure, which bolsters her self-esteem.

Flight of the raven

Elijah, a nine-year-old African-American with unusual mental powers and a special ability to reach into the natural world, becomes a hostage of a terrorist militia group and finds himself in a world of violence.

The great Skinner getaway

Fifteen-year-old Jennifer recounts more adventures of the Skinner family as they set off on a vacation across the United States in a motor home.

The great Skinner enterprise

Fifteen-year-old Jenny relates the further adventures of the Skinner family when her father decides to incorporate the entire family into his new business venture called "At your Service.".

No safe harbors

At sixteen, Amanda Sterling cannot accept all the values her parents' lives represent, but neither does she want to believe that her father can be guilty of taking a bribe.

Grandpa--and me

Her grandfather's increasing senility brings Kerry to a new understanding of both him and her own place in the family.

A good courage

Having been dragged by his mother from one commune to another as she searches for a place to belong, fourteen-year-old Ty finds conditions at the new place, the Kingdom, intolerable, even while realizing that for some, such as his mother, this way of life is a haven.

The liberation of Tansy Warner

Tansy is excited about getting the lead in the play of Anne Frank, sure that this is going to change her life and her relationship with an aloof father; but then her mother disappears and this crisis helps a strong new self to evolve.

A time to fly free

Ten-year-old Josh, who finds his private school unbearable, joins forces with an elderly man in tending injured birds.


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