Hale, Shannon

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Best friends

"Sixth grade is supposed to be perfect. Shannon's got a sure spot in the in-crowd called The Group, and her best friend is their leader. Jen, the most popular girl in school. But the rules are always changing, and Shannon has to scramble to keep up. She never knows which TV shows are cool, what songs to listen to, and which boys she's allowed to talk to. Who makes these rules, anyway? And does Shannon have to follow them?"--Provided by publisher.
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Best friends

"Sixth grade is supposed to be perfect. Shannon's got a sure spot in the in-crowd called The Group, and her best friend is their leader. Jen, the most popular girl in school. But the rules are always changing, and Shannon has to scramble to keep up. She never knows which TV shows are cool, what songs to listen to, and which boys she's allowed to talk to. Who makes these rules, anyway? And does Shannon have to follow them?"--Provided by publisher.
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Book of a thousand days

Based on a classic fairy tale, Dashti a maid, and Lady Saren her mistress, have been imprisoned in a tower for seven years because Saren refuses to marry a man she despises. But when two new suitors appear both young women face real hope or else the possibility of life-threatening danger.
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The princess in black takes a vacation

For a monster-battling princess a peaceful time away is hard to find.

The Princess in black and the hungry bunny horde

It s a case of monstrous cuteness as the Princess in Black encounters her biggest challenge yet: a field overrun by adorable bunnies.

Palace of stone

Miri returns to Asland and calls upon all of her knowledge of rhetoric and other useful lessons learned at the Princess Academy when she and the other girls face strong opposition while working for a new, fair charter.

The Princess in Black and the hungry bunny horde

Princess Magnolia and her unicorn, Frimplepants, face an unexpected foe when they're forced to confront a field full of monstrous bunnies.

The Princess in Black and the perfect princess party

Inconvenient monster alarms and a sparkly array of princess guests put Princess Magnolia in danger of revealing her secret.

Enna burning

Enna hopes that her new knowledge of how to wield fire will help protect her good friend Isi--the Princess Anidori--and all of Bayern against their enemies, but the need to burn is uncontrollable and puts Enna and her loved ones in grave danger.

The storybook of legends

At Ever After High, a boarding school for the sons and daughters of famous fairy-tale characters, students Apple White and Raven Queen face the moment when they must choose whether to follow their destinies, or change them.
Cover image of The storybook of legends


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