Krulik, Nancy E

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Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo #17

Write On!
Fourth-grader Katie forgets to read the new book of her favorite author, Nellie Farrow, who comes to class for a discussion, but when Katie turns into Nellie, the presentation seems doomed! Includes a recipe for S"More Bananas.

Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo #15

Love Stinks!
When the magic wind turns fourth-grader Katie, who dislikes the "mushy gushy stuff" of Valentine's Day, into a candy store owner, she decides to write her own "love messages" on the candy hearts.

Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo #13

On Your Mark, Get Set, Laugh!
When fourth-grade Katie turns into her unfair track coach, she gives all the kids on the team a chance to compete including the slowest runner in her class.

Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo # 7

Drat! You Copycat!
Katie agrees to be a buddy for the new girl in class even though her best friend Suzanne does not approve.

How I survived middle school collection

A collection of three Nancy Krulik novels about Jenny McAfee and her sixth grade experiences, including "Can you get an F in Lunch," "Madame President," and "I heard a rumor," in which Jenny seeks out the true identity of Madame X, after the school advice columns begin to sound all too familiar.

Journey to the planet of the Blawps

When the Robinson family lands on Jupiter 2, all of the Blawps on the planet try to enter their spaceship in order to survive.

How I survived middle school

Catch that dog wave

Tired of attending obedience school, Sparky the puppy finds adventure in Hawaii after chomping on the magic bone.

Be careful what you sniff for

Sparky the sheepdog puppy digs up a magic bone that transports him to London, where he makes new friends, sees the sites, and gets into a bit of trouble.

No messin' with my lesson

Katie's teacher, Mrs. Derkman, hopes to win the Teacher of the Year contest, but her chances do not look good when Katie turns into her teacher and cannot keep a class full of out-of-control third-graders in line.


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