Katie Kazoo, switcheroo

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Major league mess-up

Katie loves the Cherrydale Porcupines baseball team, except for their new shortstop, Mike Reed, until the magic wind turns her into Mike for an inning and she sees things from a different perspective.

Who's afraid of fourth grade?

As long-awaited fourth grade starts, Katie is overwhelmed when the magic wind causes her to switch twice--first into a new classmate and then into Mr. Starkey, the school band leader.

Quiet on the set!

While a movie is being filmed in Cherrydale, Katie switches into Rosie Moran, a world renowned child actress.

No messin' with my lesson

Katie's teacher, Mrs. Derkman, hopes to win the Teacher of the Year contest, but her chances do not look good when Katie turns into her teacher and cannot keep a class full of out-of-control third-graders in line.

No bones about it

Katie and her third-grade class go on a field trip to the natural history museum where Katie finds herself magically transported into the body of their tour guide.

Drat! You copycat!

Katie, an ordinary third-grader who is sometimes touched by a magical wind that turns her into other people, gains insights into the thinking of a new girl at school who is trying to fit in by doing all the wrong things.

Doggone it!

When strict Mrs. Derkman moves next door to third-grader Katie Carew, scares her friends away, and insists she keep her dog, Pepper, on a leash, Katie finds a non-magical solution to the problem. Includes steps for teaching a dog to sit and stay.

I hate rules!

Third-grader Katie Carew gets into trouble for breaking school rules, but when she magically turns into the school's principal and eliminates all rules, things get out of hand. Includes directions for playing Four Square, Statue Tag, and Poison.

Oh, baby!

Katie, an ordinary third-grader who accidentally wished on a shooting star to be anyone but herself, turns into her best friend Suzanne's baby sister, but the real trouble starts when she speaks, causing everyone to think the baby is a genius.

Anyone but me

Third-grader Katie Carew gains insight into the thinking of the class bully when she is magically transformed into a hamster--an animal the bully fears.
Cover image of Anyone but me


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