Harvey, Alex

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Dancing with the star

Mr. Krabs decides to hold a dance competition to bring more customers to Krusty Krab, and while everyone gets out their dancing shoes, SpongeBob tries to help Patrick get ready for the competition.

Dancing with the Star

Dancing With the Star

When Mr. Krabs decides to have a dancing competition at the Krusty Krab, everyone is excited to put on their dancing shoes--especially Patrick; with SpongeBob's help, Patrick gets into shape and ready to become a dancing star.

Olivia goes camping

Olivia tries hard to convince her friend Francine that camping, complete with dirt and bugs, is fun.

Attack of the zombies!

After SpongeBob's pet Gary starts biting everyone, a rumor spreads through town that he has a rare snail disease, and as the Snail Bite panic builds, everyone's zombie-like behavior leads to a manhunt for Gary.

Olivia becomes a vet

Olivia decides she would like to become a vet when she grows up after helping Julian take care of his sick pet lizard.

Olivia and the kite party

Olivia and her friends make and fly kites.


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