running races

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running races

The girl who makes a million mistakes

"A growth mindset book that fosters a love for learning and the courage to embrace challenges. Millie dreams of being a top athlete. But her race turns into a disaster when she makes mistakes after mistakes. She even ends up in a tree. Will she quit? Will she even finish the race? See how Millie finally suceeds through learning, problem solving, mental toughness and resilience!"--Back cover.
Cover image of The girl who makes a million mistakes

Tour Divide

The best mountain bikers on earth gather in Alberta, Canada, every summer to begin one of the biggest challenges their sport has to offer. This title introduces readers to a 2,745-mile (4,418-km) race that takes athletes along North America's Continental Divide before finally ending at the United States-Mexico border. The title features informative sidebars, exciting photos, a map, a glossary, and an index.

Ironman Triathlons

With three grueling events combined into one energy-draining test of endurance, an Ironman triathlon pushes some of the top swimmers, runners, and bicyclists to their physical limits. This title introduces readers to a series of races that grew from a humble beginning in Hawaii in the 1970s to a global race series that captures the imagination of fans worldwide. The title features informative sidebars, exciting photos, a map, a glossary, and an index.

Iditarod Trail Invitational

Faced with one of the toughest winter environments in the world, competitors in the Iditarod Trail Invitational need to have what it takes to survive the brutal conditions of the frozen Alaskan wilderness. This title introduces readers to a race that follows the same path as the famous Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, but instead features human competitors trying to make it through this month-long test on their feet, bikes, or skis. The title features informative sidebars, exciting photos, a map, a glossary, and an index.

4 Deserts Ultramarathon Series

By itself, any of the 4 Deserts races would be one of the longest ultramarathons in the world. Put together, the four events make up a series that challenges even the most elite long-distance competitors. This title introduces readers to these events, which take place throughout the year in South America, Africa, Asia, and Antarctica. The title features informative sidebars, exciting photos, a map, a glossary, and an index.

Badwater 135

Every summer, runners gather in California's Death Valley to begin a race that covers 135 miles in searing heat. After beginning at one of the lowest points in the United States, competitors battle a scorching desert sun as they climb 8,300 feet (2,530 m) to finish at Mt. Whitney. This title introduces readers to an ultramarathon that event organizers call the "World's Toughest Footrace." The title features informative sidebars, exciting photos, a map, a glossary, and an index.

Arrowhead 135

Every year in the heart of winter, runners, bikers, and skiers challenge themselves to cross 135 miles of terrain in the remote woods of northern Minnesota. This title introduces readers to one of the coldest ultramarathons on the planet, a race that begins in the "Icebox of the Nation" and only gets tougher from there. The title features informative sidebars, exciting photos, a map, a glossary, and an index.

Road Whiz

"Fourteen-year-old Jamie is growing too fast! Friends taunt him that his feet are so big the last time he stepped in a puddle, they called it the Mississippi River. As Jamie moves from 8th to 9th grade, Dad expects Jamie to join traditional sports, like football. Instead, Road Whiz a retired greyhound racing dog, inspires Jamie to run. He starts training to run 5Ks. Like the retired greyhound, Jamie struggles with the question of why should he run? Does he run to win, or does he run because he loves running? With Road Whiz as his mentor, Jamie faces the challenges in his life, from family changes to his own growing body"--Back cover.

The Beans run a race

"The Bean family is running in a race! But they have a problem. They can't smell the flowers if they're running. Baby Bean suggests they run first, smell later. But the rest of this illogical bunch comes up with their own zany solution"--Back cover.

The great race

"Twelve animals race to determine where they stand on the Chinese zodiac calendar. Each animal's unique quality comes out during the race, including Dragon's kind nature, Rat's forgetfulness, and Pig's love of food. Who can guess how they'll stack up?"--Back cover.


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