Nunn, Daniel

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Colors in French

les couleurs
Presents simple pictures with French text to describe different colors. Includes a dictionary and pronunciation guide.

Colors in English

Looks at colors in the English language, with main text on each page provided only in English, and simple, labeled photographs for support.

Numbers in French =

Les chiffres
Looks at numbers in the French language, with main text on each page provided only in French, and simple, labeled photographs for support. Includes a dictionary section with each vocabulary word in French and English and a pronunciation guide.

ABCs in nature

Color photographs and simple text arranged from A to Z help young readers learn the alphabet.

Numbers in Spanish =

Los n?meros
Looks at the numbers in the Spanish language, with main text on each page provided only in Spanish, and simple, labeled photographs for support. Includes a dictionary section with each vocabulary word in Spanish and English and a pronunciation guide.

Numbers in Italian =

I numeri
Looks at the numbers in the Italian language, with main text on each page provided only in Italian, and simple, labeled photographs for support. Includes a dictionary section with each vocabulary word in Italian and English and a pronunciation guide.

Numbers in Polish =

Looks at the numbers in the Polish language with simple labeled photographs for support. Includes a dictionary section with each vocabulary word in Polish and English and a pronunciation guide.

Numbers in English

Looks at numbers in the English language, with main text on each page provided only in English, and simple, labeled photographs for support.

Jars and pots

Looks at what happens to jars and pots when they are thrown away, explains what recycling is, and shows ways in which old jars and pots can be reused, with instructions for a related craft project.


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