Austin, a robot repairman in Mega City, comes to the rescue when Uniqua reports Robot Reba has gone on a cookie-making rampage and refuses to share, and they learn Professor Bug is behind the breakdown.
10 easy-to-make cookie recipes with a story in pictures
Numeroff, Laura Joffe
Contains ten easy-to-make recipes simple enough for the youngest baker, including peanut butter munchies, old-fashioned oatmeal cookies, and jumbo chocolate chip cookies, includes a story in pictures, where a boy visits a mouse's house.
Someone took a cookie from the Kinderkittens' cookie jar. Can you guess who? Includes "The Kinderkitten Cookie Jar Song" and a recipe for Kinderkitten cookies.
Shares recipes for shaped, cutout, bar, drop, and sliced cookies, as well as macaroons, meringues, and tartlets, and shows how to mail Christmas cookies as gifts.