cerebral dominance

Topical Term
cerebral dominance

Left brain, right brain

facts, trivia, and quizzes
"Are you a list maker or a doodler? Do you identify more with your logical left brain or your creative right brain? Discover how you use both sides of your brain with fun quizzes, fascinating facts, and more!".
Cover image of Left brain, right brain

The dominance factor

how knowing your dominant eye, ear, brain, hand & foot can improve your learning
Explores the link between the dominant side of the human body used for seeing, hearing, touching, and moving and the way people think, learn, work, play, and related to others.

Left brain, right brain

perspectives from cognitive neuroscience
Describes research in brain assymetry and brain-behavior relationships, drawing from normal, split-brain, and brain-damaged cases to discuss such topics as left-handedness, sex differences, psychiatric illness, learning disabilities, and theories of consciousness.

Building left-brain power

left-brain conditioning exercises and tips to strengthen language, math, and uniquely human skills

The new drawing on the right side of the brain

Presents a set of exercises designed to release creative potential and tap into the special abilities of the right hemisphere of the brain, focusing on the five basic skills of drawing which include the perception of edges, spaces, relationships, lights and shadows, and the whole, or gestalt.


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