Friedman, Laurie B.

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A twist of fate

"When fourteen-year-old April's grandma reveals she has cancer, the family decides to spend some quality time together on a ski trip. Matching ski outfits and a week together in Utah should be stress-free family time... right?"--Provided by publisher.

Three's company, Mallory!

When Chloe Jennifer moves to Wish Pond Road, Mallory's friend Mary Ann starts including Chloe Jennifer in everything that she and Mallory do--but in Mallory's opinion, three is a crowd.

Ruby Valentine and the sweet surprise

Ruby's pets compete for her affection on Valentine's Day.

Truth and kisses

Diary entries reveal thirteen-year-old April Sinclair's complicated best-friend/love triangle, her new friendship, a busy dance team schedule, and a closer relationship with Matt Parker that surprises her and everyone else.

Too much drama

"A few months into freshman year, April thought her rocky friendship with her childhood BFF was improving. But when Brynn calls off the friendship for good, April's problems are just beginning. Brynn Blames April for the breakup with her boyfriend Billy, and soon other girls on the dance team do too. Meanwhile, April's cousin Sophie seems to like Billy, and vice versa, putting April awkwardly in the middle. On top of it all, April can't figure out what to make of being maybe-friends-maybe-more with sixteen-year-old genious Leo, now that he's leaving for college a few hours away. As a new calendar year kicks off, April just wants a clean start but high school is messy business."--Dust jacket.

Not what I expected

"April Sinclair has always looked forward to high school. But with a jealous BFF, fighting parents, and self-doubt about romance, ninth grade may be more than April bargained for"--Provided by publisher.

Truth and kisses

Diary entries reveal thirteen-year-old April Sinclair's complicated best-friend/love triangle, her new friendship, a busy dance team schedule, and a closer relationship with Matt Parker that surprises her and everyone else.

Change is in the air, Mallory

Ten-year-old Mallory is not looking forward to the summer as her friends are either moving or away on vacation, but she soon learns that some changes can be good, and some things are forever.

Love or something like it

"As summer approaches, April is conflicted about going to camp and missing time with new boyfriend Matt and her friend Sophie, who'll be visiting. Is her flame with Matt strong enough to survive a long absence?"--Provided by publisher.

Game time, Mallory!

Mallory is excited to participate in a new girls' basketball league, although she has never played and her best friends are not interested, but as the worst player on her team she realizes she has a lot to learn.


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