hesse, hermann

hesse, hermann

Novels for students

presenting analysis, context, and crticism on commonly studied novels
Each volume provides discussions of the literary and historical background of novels from various cultures and time periods. Includes concise synopses of plot, characters and themes, a brief author biography, discussion of the story's cultural and historical significance, and excerpted criticism.

Novels for students, Volume 24

presenting analysis, context, and crticism on commonly studied novels

Novels for students

presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels
Each volume provides discussions of the literary and historical background of novels from various cultures and time periods. Includes concise synopses of plot, characters and themes, a brief author biography, discussion of the story's cultural and historical significance, and excerpted criticism.

Hermann Hesse

A critical study of the German author's major works.

Stories of five decades

A collection of twenty-three short stories written by Nobel Prize-winning author Hermann Hesse between 1899 and 1948.

The Hesse-Mann letters

the correspondence of Hermann Hesse and Thomas Mann, 1910-1955

Hermann Hesse

Bloom's modern critical views
Eleven essays examine the life and works of twentieth-century German author Hermann Hesse, discussing "Demian," "Steppenwolf," "Narziss and Goldmund," "The Glass Bead Game," and other novels.


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