pern (imaginary place)

Topical Term
pern (imaginary place)

The masterharper of Pern

Masterharper Robinton, born in a time when no Thread has fallen on Pern for centuries, is subjected to threats, exile, and rejection when he refuses to stop believing in the power of his music or the need for dragons to protect the planet from the danger of the deadly spores.

Nerilka's story

a Pern adventure
A deadly epidemic is spreading over the land of Pern and Nerilka secretly leaves home to take supplies and medicine where they are needed.


Exciting adventure as Lessa of Pern wages a single-handed secret battle against her sworn enemies--the dragonmen!.


Pursuing her dream to be a Harper of Pern, Menolly studies under the Masterharper and learns that more is required than a facility with music and a clever way with words.

The skies of Pern

The dragons and their riders are called upon once again when Pern, trying to adjust to technological advances as well as the final Threadfall, is beset by new danger.

The chronicles of Pern

first fall
A collection of stories telling of the early days of Pern, including the adventures of the original survey team, the evacuation of the Southern Continent, and the founding of the Ruatha Hold.


Lessa, the last of the bloodline of Ruatha, disguises herself as a kitchen drudge, biding her time until she can reclaim her birthright, but her plans are changed when she is pressed into service as Weyr woman to the new dragon queen and charged with helping rebuild the dragon force in time to combat an attack of the deadly Thread.


When a new contagion poses a grave threat to the fire-lizards and dragons, Fiona, who is on the verge of becoming a Weyrwoman, begins to hear a strange voice in her mind, and Weyrleader B'Nik and queen rider Lorana search Fort Weyr's archives for a clue to get rid of the plague.

The chronicles of Pern

the first fall
The author takes you back to the earliest days of Pernese history where you join the original survey team as they explore Pern and decide to recommend it for colonization. Share the terror of the evacuation from the Southern Continent, learn how the famous Ruatha Hold was founded, and discover a secret lost in time--the rescue of some of the original colonists before the planet was cut off forever!.


Forbidden by her father to indulge in music in any way, a girl on the planet Pern runs away, taking shelter with the planet's fire lizards who, along with her music, open a new life for her.


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