Sterling, Dorothy

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Lucretia Mott : gentle warrior

Nineteenth-century, American women were supposed to stay home and keep quiet about world events, but this admired, Quaker mother of six spent her 87 years traveling and talking about Negro and women's rights.

Lift every voice

Short biographies of four black leaders whose beliefs and achievements are important in the history of black Americans.

Forever free

Describes the events leading up to the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation that freed over four million slaves in the United States.

It started in Montgomery

Traces the history of the civil rights movement in Montgomery, Alabama, emphasizing its influence in rousing public opinion throughout the country in support of the civil rights issue.

Lucretia Mott

Mary Jane

Lift every voice

Short biographies of four black leaders whose beliefs and achievements are important in the history of black Americans.

Wall Street

Lift every voice

Short biographies of four black leaders whose beliefs and achievements are important in the history of black Americans.

Captain of the planter


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