Families today

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Foster families

"Sometimes things happen to parents that make it impossible for them to care for their kids. It could be illness, incarceration, job loss, or other reasons. Fortunately, there are loving parents who are willing to take in, or foster, kids who need someone to look after them. This book looks at how foster families are made and how they might thrive"--Amazon.com.

Disability and families

"Mental or physical challenges don't just affect the people who have them, they can impact entire families, too. This book looks at the many different types of challenges that exist and discusses how these situations can be a challenge for families but also a source of great strength"--Amazon.com.

Incarceration and families

Explores the impact of incarceration on families, and offers encouragement and advice for children eagerly awaiting their parents' release.

Military families

Looks at military families.

LGBT families

lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
"Discusses the many types of LGBT families and shows how being different need not be an impediment to being happy"--Publisher.

Homelessness and families

"Whether it's due to divorce, job loss, natural disaster, or some other catastrophe, sometimes families find that they have nowhere to live. Meeting basic needs can be a struggle, especially for kids who still need to attend school. This book looks at the problem of homelessness: not only the challenges but also how families can meet and rise above them"--Provided by the publisher.

Multiracial families

"There are well over five million interracial marriages in the United States. Meanwhile, adoptions and remarriages are create even more multiracial families all the time. These blends of ethnicities and cultures present special challenges for kids and parents-but they also offer great opportunities and joy. This book explores the past, present, and future of multiracial families"--Provided by the publisher.

Adoptive families

"Pregnancy and childbirth might be the most common way to expand a family, but it's far from the only one. When eager parents reach out to babies or older kids whose biological families can't care for them, brand-new families are formed. This book discusses the challenges and the many blessings of adoptive families"--Provided by the publisher.

Teen parents

Provides an in-depth look at the rates of teen pregnancy around the world, and the resources and support available for new moms.

Single-parent families

"Whether its due to divorce, death, or simply choice, increasing numbers of unmarried people are also parents. In fact, about a third of American kids are being raised in single-parent families. From custody issues to visitation to childcare, this book discusses both the good and the bad of growing up in a single-parent household"--Amazon.com.


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