Harvest book

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Bobbed hair and bathtub gin

writers running wild in the Twenties
Presents an overview of American women writers of the 1920s, including Edna St. Millay, Dorothy Parker, Edna Ferber, and Zelda Fitzgerald, discussing the social and personal lives of these maverick literary heroines.

The museum of Dr. Moses

tales of mystery and suspense
A collection of ten short stories of mystery and suspense by American author Joyce Carol Oates.

The seven storey mountain

A fiftieth-anniversary edition of the 1948 spiritual autobiography of Thomas Merton, a young man whose search for peace and faith led him to join the religious order of the Trappist monks.

Pushing the bear

a novel of the Trail of Tears
Maritole, one of the many thousands of Cherokees who were uprooted from their homes after being betrayed by the U.S. government, struggles to survive on the forced march along the Trail of Tears, while searching to understand why this has happened to her people.

New and collected poems

A collection including six earlier volumes of Wilbur's poetry, twenty-seven new poems, and a cantata.

Collected poems, 1943-2004

Presents a collection of poems by Pulitzer Prize-winning American poet Richard Wilbur, covering a period that ranges from 1943 to 2004.

A walker in the city

Award-winning author Alfred Kazin reflects on the experiences he had while growing up in the Jewish neighborhood of Brownsville, Brooklyn, and discusses how those experiences influenced his writing.

The object stares back

on the nature of seeing
Examines the nature of vision, discussing the psychology of visual perception, its role in the appreciation of art, and the unreliability of sight.

The waste land

and other poems
Contains the title piece, first published in 1922, and includes "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," "Gerontion," "Ash-Wednesday," and other poems from the author's early and middle work.

The road to Wigan Pier

Presents George Orwell's report on conditions among the unemployed as well as the employed in the north of England in 1937,and includes his views on the failures of socialism and socialists, and features an introductory rebuttal by Victor Gollancz, one of the founders of the Left Book Club which commissioned Orwell's article.


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