Camus, Albert

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Lyrical and critical essays

The possessed

The stranger

The plague

The stranger

The plague

Chaos prevails when the bubonic plague strikes the Algerian coastal city of Oran.

The stranger

Caught in the grip of forces he does not understand, a quiet, ordinary clerk in Algiers commits a murder.

The plague

A coastal city in Algeria is struck by bubonic plague and shut off from the world for months.

Exile and the kingdom

Presents six short stories by French-Algerian author Albert Camus about individuals searching for spiritual rebirth, from an adulterous wife to a frustrated artist to a wayward missionary.

Caligula & three other plays

Contains translations of four plays written between 1938 and 1950 by French author and philosopher Albert Camus, including "Caligula"; "The Misunderstanding"; "State of Siege"; and "The Just Assassins.".


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