political culture

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political culture

Best American political writing 2003

A collection of the best political writing of 2002, which includes coverage of U.S. domestic policy, Ralph Nader's first-person account of how the media treats third-party candidates, Eleanor Clift's piece on the uncertain future of Medicare, and excerpt's from Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men".

Eight ways to run the country

a new and revealing look at left and right
Examines the political differences that define Americans and shape their voting style and beliefs, revealing the ideological poles and contribute to the country's diverse political perspectives.

100 people who are screwing up America-- and Al Franken is #37

Goldberg takes aim at the America Bashers (the cultural elites who look down their snobby noses at "ordinary" Americans), the Hollywood Blowhards (incredibly ditzy celebrities who think they're smart just because they're famous), the TV Schlockmeisters, the Intellectual Thugs (bigwigs at some of our best colleges), and many more. Some supposedly "serious" journalists also made the list. But Goldberg doesn't just round up the usual suspects we have come to know and detest. He also exposes some of the people who operate away from the limelight but still manage to pull a lot of strings and do all sorts of harm to our culture. Most of all, this book is about a country where as long as anything goes, as one of the good guys in the book puts it, sooner or later everything will go.--From publisher description.

A magnificent catastrophe

the tumultuous election of 1800, America's first presidential campaign
Examines the presidential race of 1800 between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson and the campaign that pitted key players against one another and established the two-party system.

The prince of the city

Giuliani, New York, and the genius of American life


Discusses aspects of Berlin's society from its founding in the thirteenth century to the present.

Stand up for Alabama

Governor George Wallace

North over South

northern nationalism and American identity in the antebellum era
Examines the extent to which a sense of American nationalism existed before the Civil War, and describes the differences between Northern and Southern nationalism.

Affairs of honor

national politics in the New Republic
Offers a reassessment of political culture in the early years of the American republic, exploring both the public actions and private papers of key figures like Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr, and Alexander Hamilton.

The taming of the American crowd

from stamp riots to shopping sprees
Traces the history of the American crowd in the United States from anti-colonial revolts to the crowds of the twenty-first century that fill sports arenas, commercial centers, and workplaces, describing how crowds have aided in the establishment of democracy, civil rights, and free speech rights, and discussing more dangerous forms such as lynch mobs and anti-immigrant riots.


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