sex discrimination in sports

Topical Term
sex discrimination in sports

More than a game

one woman's fight for gender equity in sport
Cynthia Pemberton chronicles her struggle to obtain equality for women in sports at Linfield College after she was hired as the as assistant athletic director for women's sports in 1989.

Tilting the playing field

schools, sports, sex and Title IX
Traces the effects Title IX of the Education Amendments, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in American schools and sports, has had on college and high school sports throughout the country.

Play ball

New student Dashiell Brody wants to play baseball with the boys, which leads to problems with her family and her school.

Crashing the net

the U.S. Women's Olympic Ice Hockey Team and the road to gold
Profiles the first United States Women's Olympic Ice Hockey Team, focusing on the players, their training, and their gold medal win in the 1998 Winter Olympics.

Hard fought victories

women coaches making a difference

Still kicking

my journey as the first woman to play division I college football
Ex-division I college football kicker Katie Hnida shares her memories about playing for her high school team, the University of Colorado, and the University of New Mexico, detailing the hardships she had to endure to be a part of a male-dominated sport.

Girl power on the playing field

a book about girls, their goals, and their struggles
Discusses how participation in sports can have a positive affect on a girl's spirit as well as her body.

Playing with the boys

why separate is not equal in sports
Discusses how sex-segregated sports policies which keep women from competing in sports with men reinforces the view that women are inferior, even though women have physiological advantages in some sports, and also illustrates how policies construct sex-group differences instead of reflect them.

A sporting chance

sports and gender
Analyzes how girls and women reconcile social expectations and sports demands and discusses the costs and benefits of equal opportunities for men and women in sports.

Getting in the game

Title IX and the women's sports revolution
Provides an analysis of Title IX, enacted in 1972 to prohibit sex discrimination in education, assessing its successes in challenging gender norms and increasing opportunities for women athletes, and taking a critical look at places where it has fallen short.


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