Kortenkamp, Steve

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The planets of our solar system

Describes the eight planets in our solar system, including the birth of the solar system and the planets' orbits around the Sun.
Cover image of The planets of our solar system

Future explorers

robots in space
Describes how robots, including orbiters, landers, and rovers, are used in space exploration.

Mars exploration rovers

an interactive space exploration adventure
Explores various perspectives on exploration of Mars by rovers.

Demoting Pluto

the discovery of the dwarf planets
Explores the history of dwarf planets and the 2006 decision to change the status of Pluto from a regular planet to a dwarf planet.

Show me space

my first picture encyclopedia
"Defines through text and photos core terms related to space"--Provided by publisher.

Asteroids, comets, and meteoroids

Describes asteroids, comets, and meteoroids, including what they are and how scientists research them.


Discusses information about spacecraft within recent years as well as the future of spacecraft.

Space travelers

Discusses the work astronauts do as well as future space explorations to the Moon and Mars.

Space life

Discusses information about space life within recent years as well as plans for future explorations of space life.

Show me space

Brief text and photographs tell about space, from planets and comets to sunspots and spacewalks.


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