picture dictionaries, italian

Topical Term
picture dictionaries, italian

Italian for everyone junior

5 words a day
"Learn 5 new words every day through … illustrations and online audio. This … book will teach [the reader] to read and speak 1,000 Iralian words in just one year!" - Back cover.

Bilingual visual dictionary

An introduction to more than one thousand Italian phrases and everyday words with illustrations and pronunciations for English-speaking students and includes Italian to English translations.

Just look 'n learn Italian picture dictionary

Translates 1,500 English words into Italian, accompanied by example sentences and color illustrations.
Cover image of Just look 'n learn Italian picture dictionary

My first book of Italian words

An introduction to Italian, featuring two-page color photographs, each on a different theme, with objects labeled in Italian and English, covering family, clothes, food, garden, classroom, and other topics.

1,000 Italian words

Presents 1000 entries for terms in Italian and English with corresponding illustrations to show usage.

Let's learn Italian picture dictionary

This is a picture bookk of more than 1,550 words children learn in beginning italian classes.

First Italian words

Contains illustrations of locations children might encounter in the course of a typical day at home, school, and play, with over four hundred words labeled in Italian and English.

Let's learn Italian picture dictionary

Pictures labeled in English and Italian are grouped in such familiar categories as "Our House," "The Four Seasons," "In the City," "In the Ocean," and "Colors." Includes bilingual indexes with pronunciation guide.

Italian picture dictionary

Illustrations and simple sentences teach children more than one thousand Italian words and phrases.


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