

Little house, the first five novels

The first five titles in Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House series of books, four of which chronicle the life of the author while a young pioneer girl and one that relates the boyhood experience in New York State of her husband.

Peter Abelard

a novel
Peter Abelard, considered by many scholars to have been the greatest thinker and teacher of the 12th century, may have been a man born ahead of his time. His time, at any rate, treated him roughly. Philosophy and theology were taken very seriously indeed, and Abelard's fresh and logical critiques of both got him in constant trouble with the church. Beyond all this, however, what makes his name endure was his lifelong love affair with one of his students, Heloise. They had a baby and were secretly married. The couple separated when Abelard became a monk and Heloise became a nun to hide from Canon Fulbert's rage. They continued to exchange love letters for the rest of their lives.

The cup of wrath

a novel based on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's resistance to Hitler
This magnificently evocative novel based on the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer will introduce readers to a courageous Christian who joined the underground convinced that it was his duty to work for Hitler's defeat. In this, her first novel, Mary Glazener has captured the warmth, humanity, and intrigue of this young German pastor and theologian who at thirty-nine years of age was executed by the Nazis at Flossenburg concentration camp on April 9, 1945, for his part in the "Officers' Plot." This highly readable work combines the essence of many stories of World War II---namely, the Church's struggle to survive the Third Reich; a family's commitment to save each other, their neighbors, and Germany; an extraordinary friendship between a teacher and his student; a resistance movement, filled with risk, espionage, and repeated set backs; and the many Christians and Germans who risked their lives to save the Jews.


They dared to dream of a bold new land where men and women of passion held destiny in their hands.

Thank you, Jesus

Finding a kitten with a birth defect in her grandmother's back yard helps to introduce Madison to the story of Jesus and how he loved all creatures regardless of whether they seem perfect or not.

The mummy case

The dead man is an antiquities dealer murdered in his Cairo shop. When a sinister Egyptian spotted at the crime scene turns up in Mazghunah, Amelia can't resist following his trail. There is a mysterious scrap of papyrus and a missing mummy case to investigate while she keeps at least one eye on their precocious son, Ramses and his Egyptian cat. But the digging turns dangerous when Amelia and Emerson look for answers in an ancient tomb.

The deeds of the disturber

Amelia has foiled felonious schemes from Victoria's England to the Middle East. The corpse of a night watchman was found sprawled in the British Museum. what or who killed the unfortunate man is a mystery that seems too intriguinglydelicious for Amanda to pass up, especially now that she, her dashing archaeologist husband, Emerson, and their precocious son, Ramses, are back on Britain's shores.

In the last analysis

When beautiful Janet Harrison asks English professor Kate Fansler to recommend a Manhattan psychoanalyst, Kate immediately sends the woman to her dear friend and former lover, Dr. Emanuel Bauer. Seven weeks later, the woman is stabbed to death on Emanuel's couch.

The bishop and the Three Kings

a Blackie Ryan mystery
It's a chilly October morning in Cologne, Germany, when a major relic of the Catholic Church, the remains of the Three Kings, is stolen from the cathedral!.

A Christmas wedding

Thrown out of Notre Dame on trumped up charges, Chucky ends up going to the University of Chicago. The only problem: his lifelong enemy Rosemarie is a fellow student. They decide to be "just friends," and while they battle with each other, "just friends" turns into something neither of them expected.


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