italian language

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italian language

Harper Collins Italian concise dictionary

An Italian-English, English-Italian dictionary containing more than 110,000 entries and translations, with special entries on Italian life and culture.
Cover image of Harper Collins Italian concise dictionary

My first book of Italian words

An introduction to Italian, featuring two-page color photographs, each on a different theme, with objects labeled in Italian and English, covering family, clothes, food, garden, classroom, and other topics.

Way cool Italian phrase book

A guide to speaking Italian that presents slang and basic phrases for kids.

Barron's AP Italian language and culture

A guide to taking the advanced placement exam in Italian language and culture, featuring a look at the test format, a diagnostic test with answers, a review of each segment of the exam, including listening, reading, writing, culture, and speaking, and two sample tests. Includes audio CDs.

2001 Italian and English idioms =

2001 locuzioni italiane e inglesi
Translates the most frequently used Italian and English idioms and phrases in two separate bilingual lists. Phrases are alphabetized according to each one's key word for quick reference.

The complete idiot's guide to learning Italian

Presents the complete idiot's guide to learning Italian and includes lessons on common words and phrases, pronunciation, business, financial and technical terminology, and interesting facts on Italy's traditions and culture.

DII dizionario

Inglese Italiano, Italiano Inglese
Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide English-to-Italian, and Italian-to-English translations of over 350,000 words and phrases, and includes real-language examples, subject boxes, and notes on grammar and usage.

The Standard deviants Italian

Learn the basics of Italian, beginning with things like numbers, the alphabet, and essential phrases. Then move on to example dialogues, definite and indefinite articles, and verb conjugation.


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