decision making

Geographic Name
decision making

The most controversial decision

Truman, the atomic bombs, and the defeat of Japan
Discusses the usage of atomic bombs by the United States in World War II and President Harry S. Truman's decision to launch a nuclear attack on Japan, examining the morality of the decision, and exploring the relationship between nuclear weapons and the start of the Cold War.

John F. Kennedy

Examines the key decisions made by President John F. Kennedy before his assassination, discussing the events leading to the decision and the impact those decisions had on the country.

Presidential leadership

15 decisions that changed the nation

The commanders

The behind-the-scenes story of how President Bush and his military high command made their decisions.

Presidential courage

brave leaders and how they changed America, 1789-1989
Profiles nine former presidents, their families, friends, and enemies, including George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt; and discusses their courage in the face of political criticism and foreign and domestic policy situations.

Who leads our country?

Looks at some of the different jobs done by the president of the United States, and describes the work done by other government leaders, including members of Congress, governors, mayors, and judges.

You are the president

Text and accompanying photographs present eight actual crises faced by American presidents followed by a list of options for a decision making policy. Includes an evaluation of the actual decisions made by the presidents.

Theodore Roosevelt

A collection of essays which explore the impact Theodore Roosevelt had on the United States economy, culture, government, and people during the years he served as President.

William J. Clinton

Contains essays by various scholars in which they examine the key decisions of President William J. Clinton, looking at Clinton's policy toward gays in the military, his attempts to reform the health care system, his foreign policies, and his refusal to resign in the face of an impeachment vote.

Lyndon B. Johnson

Contains essays by various scholars in which they examine the key decisions of President Lyndon B.Johnson, looking at Johnson's attempts to build the Great Society, his record on Civil Rights, his actions regarding the Vietnam War, and his decision in 1968 to withdraw from the presidential race.


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