asian americans

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asian americans

Bruno Mars

singer and songwriter
Profiles the life and career of musician, performer, and songwriter Bruno Mars.

Asian American almanac

Explores various aspects of the history and culture of the major ethnic groups comprising Asian America, providing information in seventeen subject categories, covering landmarks, literature, religion, civil rights, family, and other topics; with photographs and illustrations, maps, and references. Includes a subject index.

Ming goes to school

Ming goes to preschool, where she bravely plays all kinds of games with new friends and old, but she is still not quite ready for the big red slide.

Show and Tell

Ben wanted to bring something really neat to school for show-and-tell. So he picked up his baby sister, stuffed her in his knapsack and walked off to school. Then baby sister woke up!.

Daniel Inouye

Profiles the life and career of Daniel Inouye, son of Japanese immigrants, who became the first Japanese American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate.

The shadow hero

In the comics boom of the 1940s, a legend was born: the Green Turtle. He solved crimes and fought injustice just like the other comics characters. But this mysterious masked crusader was hiding something more than your run-of-the-mill secret identity: the Green Turtle was the first Asian American super hero. The comic had a short run before lapsing into obscurity, but Gene Luen Yang has revived this character in Shadow Hero, a new graphic novel that creates an origin story for the Green Turtle.

History of Asian Americans

exploring diverse roots
Examines the history of Asian immigration to the United States by country, including China, Japan, India, the Philippines, Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia, and Laos, both before and after the 1965 immigration wave.

East Asian Americans and political participation

a reference handbook
Examines the history of Asian Americans' political involvement in the United States, with an overview of the group's political process, participation in electoral politics, protest politics, social movements, and political office-holding.

Strangers at the gates again

Asian American immigration after 1965
With the passage of the Immigration Act of 1965, many Asian Americans came to the United States to make their fortunes and made many contributions to American society.

Strangers from a different shore

a history of Asian Americans
A history of Asian Americans, introducing the people, the cultures, and their hope, fears, contribution, and dreams.


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