Neufeld, John

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Almost a hero

Twelve-year-old Ben Derby spends his spring break volunteering at a Santa Barbara day care center for homeless children.

Edgar Allan


When fourteen-year-old Sharelle becomes pregnant by her future brother-in-law, her life is irrevocably changed by love and concern for her baby.

A small civil war

High school senior Ava Van Buren is assigned the task of writing an article about censorship in her complacent midwestern community.

Lisa, bright and dark

a novel
As her parents and teachers refuse to recognize Lisa's increasingly severe depression, three of her friends devise a plan to help her with amateur psychiatry.

Lisa, bright and dark

a novel
As her parents and teachers refuse to recognize Lisa's increasingly severe depression, three of her friends devise a plan to help her with amateur psychiatry.

Almost a hero

Twelve-year-old Ben Derby spends his spring break volunteering at a Santa Barbara day care center for homeless children.

Edgar Allen

When the Fickett family decides to adopt an African-American child, they are faced with threats, angry phone calls, a burning cross on the lawn, and an ultimatum from their oldest daughter.


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