Behar, Ruth

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Across so many seas

"Spanning over five hundred years, a novel telling the stories of four girls from different generations of a Jewish family, many of them forced to leave their country and start a new life"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Across so many seas

T?a Fortuna's new home

Estrella learns about her Cuban and Jewish heritage as she helps her aunt move from her Miami apartment to an assisted living community.

Mi buena mala suerte

In 1960s New York, fifth-grader Ruthie, a Cuban-Jewish immigrant, must rely on books, art, her family, and friends in her multicultural neighborhood when an accident puts her in a body cast.

Tia Fortuna's new home

"A Jewish-Cuban story about a girl helping her Tia move to a new home"--.

Lucky broken girl

In 1960s New York, fifth-grader Ruthie, a Cuban-Jewish immigrant, must rely on books, art, her family, and friends in her multicultural neighborhood when an accident puts her in a body cast.

Lucky broken girl

In 1960s New York, fifth-grader Ruthie, a Cuban-Jewish immigrant, must rely on books, art, her family, and friends in her multicultural neighborhood when an accident puts her in a body cast.

Cartas de Cuba

"La inspiradora historia de una joven jud??a que escapa de Polonia para rehacer su vida en Cuba, mientras trabaja para rescatar al resto de su familia. La situaci??n se est?? poniendo terrible para los jud??os en Polonia en v??speras de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El padre de Esther ha huido a Cuba y ella es la primera en seguir sus pasos y reencontrarse con ??l en la isla. Vivir separada de su querida hermana es desgarrador, por lo que Esther promete escribirle cartas cont??ndole todo lo que le suceda hasta el d??a en que se vuelvan a reunir. Y lo hace, manteniendo un registro tanto de lo bueno - la bondad del pueblo cubano y su descubrimiento de un valioso talento oculto - como de lo malo: el hecho de que las garras del nazismo se han arraigado incluso en Cuba. Las evocadoras cartas de Esther est??n llenas de su aprecio por la vida y revelan a una ni??a ingeniosa y decidida, con una habilidad ??nica para unir a las personas, mientras se esfuerza por sacar al resto de su familia de Polonia antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Basada en la historia familiar de Ruth Behar, esta impresionante historia celebra la resiliencia del esp??ritu humano en los tiempos m??s desafiantes"

Letters from Cuba

In 1938, eleven-year-old Esther joins her father in tropical, multicultural Cuba, where they toil together to rescue the rest of their Jewish family from persecution in Poland. Includes notes about the author's grandmother, on whom the story is based.

Lucky broken girl

In 1960s New York, fifth-grader Ruthie, a Cuban-Jewish immigrant, must rely on books, art, her family, and friends in her multicultural neighborhood when an accident puts her in a body cast.
Cover image of Lucky broken girl

Lucky broken girl

In 1960s New York, fifth-grader Ruthie, a Cuban-Jewish immigrant, must rely on books, art, her family, and friends in her multicultural neighborhood when an accident puts her in a body cast.
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