Women innovators

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Alice H. Parker and the furnace

Examines the life of Alice H. Parker and her contributions to the modern home heating systems.

Ada Lovelace and computer algorithms

Introduces young readers to Ada Lovelace and her contributions to computer science. Includes a glossary and additional resources.
Cover image of Ada Lovelace and computer algorithms

Gertrude B. Elion and pharmacology

Highlights the life, career, and legacy of Gertrude Belle Elion, a female pioneer in biochemistry and pharmacology. Includes a glossary, resources for further information, text-related questions, and color photographs.
Cover image of Gertrude B. Elion and pharmacology

Jane C. Wright and chemotherapy

"The 21st Century Junior Library Women Innovators series highlights the contributions of women to STEM fields. Jane C. Wright and Chemotherapy examines the life of this important woman and her contributions to cancer treatment. Sidebars encourage readers to engage in the material by asking deeper questions or conducting individual research. Full color photos, a glossary, and a listing of additional resources all enhance the learning experience."--.

Stephanie Kwolek and bulletproof material

"Examine the life of Stephanie Kwolek and and her contributions to the development of bulletproof material. Sidebars encourage the reader to engage in the material by asking deeper questions or conducting individual research."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Stephanie Kwolek and bulletproof material

Patricia Bath and laser surgery

"Examine the life of Patricia Bath her contributions to the invention of laser eye surgery. Sidebars encourage the reader to engage in the material by asking deeper questions or conducting individual research."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Patricia Bath and laser surgery

Sarah Mather and underwater telescopes

"Examine the life of Sarah Mather and her contributions to the invention of the first underwater telescopes. Sidebars encourage the reader to engage in the material by asking deeper questions or conducting individual research."--Provided by publisher.

Maria Beasley and life rafts

"Examine the life of Maria Beasley and her contributions to the invention of life rafts. Sidebars encourage the reader to engage in the material by asking deeper questions or conducting individual research."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Maria Beasley and life rafts

Yvonne Brill and satellite propulsion

"Examine the life of Yvonne Brill and her contributions to make space travel happen. Sidebars encourage the reader to engage in the material by asking deeper questions or conducting individual research."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Yvonne Brill and satellite propulsion

Sarah Mather and underwater telescopes

"Examine the life of Sarah Mather and her contributions to the invention of the first underwater telescopes. Sidebars encourage the reader to engage in the material by asking deeper questions or conducting individual research."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Sarah Mather and underwater telescopes


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