Twisted true tales from science

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Medical mayhem

"Ground up mummy bones, dried toads tied around the neck, and a morning breakfast of lice and pee. It sounds like a horror movie but those are actual medicines prescribed by early doctors. Medical students studied anatomy on bodies stolen from graves, and had to operate on people while they were awake. Learn about the medicines that came from poison and doctors who experimented on themselves and their families [and other tales of medical mayhem]"--Provided by publisher.

Insane inventors

Looks at several eccentric or crazy inventors, including Nikola Tesla, Henry Cavendish, and Sir Isaac Newton.

Explosive experiments

"Two thousand years ago, Chinese scientists were looking for a medicine that would make them live forever. Instead, they blew up their lab and discovered gunpowder. Alfred Noble blew up his laboratory twice before he discovered the formula for dynamite. Learn about the Apollo 13 and 'Challenger' explosions and the strange space explosions caused by top secret Starfish Prime. These stories may sound twisted, but they're all true tales from science!"--Back cover.

Disaster discoveries

"London was once covered in a fog so polluted that it killed 12,000 people. The Aleppo earthquake killed 230,000 people, and a wall of water mysteriously wiped out the whole town of Burnam-on-the-Sea. All of these were catastrophic disasters, but they led to important discoveries in science. Learn about how the earth turned to liquid in New Zealand, and what happens when a tsunami meets a nuclear reactor. These stories may sound twisted and strange, but they are all true tales from science!"--Back cover.
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