Sixteen-year-old Kia is forced to make some tough decisions when she becomes pregnant and realizes her actions affect not only her but her parents, friends, and unborn baby.
Discusses teenage attitudes toward sex, teenagers sexual and reproductive rights, teenage pregnancy, sex education, teenage homosexuality, and school-based clinics.
Discusses such aspects of teenage pregnancy as the causes and nature of pregnancy, the proper care for mother and baby, and alternative choices such as adoption and abortion.
Presents more than twenty essays and case studies on teen pregnancy, covering such aspects as abortion, adoption, single parenthood, and marriage, and also includes a bibliography and a list of organizations and Web sites.
Discusses teen pregnancy as a social problem and outgrowth of the sexual culture in the United States, as well as ways to avoid pregnancy and options for the teen that does become pregnant.
Examines the realities of teen sexual activity, the theories for preventing and reducing teen pregnancy, the tough choices that pregnant teens are faced with, and offers personal stories.