Keppeler, Jill

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Pirate legends

An exploration of pirate legends, covering Treasure Island, pirate punishments, Blackbeard, Barbarossa, and more.
Cover image of Pirate legends

More freaky stories about the paranormal

Do you believe that the truth is out there? This book will fascinate both young skeptics and paranormal believers alike with true tales about creepy happenings, strange people, and bizarre places. Eerie photographs will connect readers to the intriguing text, and scientific explanations will leave them even more in awe of our freaky, wonderful world. Science and history combine to make this volume a must-read for every young ghost hunter and would-be scientist.
Cover image of More freaky stories about the paranormal

Be an activist!

Text and illustrations describe how to be an activist, discussing different reasons why a person would become an activist, the power of words and more.
Cover image of Be an activist!


Explores the lion's anatomy, diet, range, and history with humans, providing readers with an overarching understanding of how these animals have come to be such excellent killers.
Cover image of Lions

The unofficial guide to raising animals in Minecraft

Text and photographs look at how to raise animals in Minecraft.
Cover image of The unofficial guide to raising animals in Minecraft

Setting forth

an unofficial Minecraft adventure
Kayla Jackson has waited for her sister, Jaz, and her friends Matt and David to venture into the world of Minecraft with Matt's VR headset. Now, it's her turn. But Kayla's not content with what they've told her; she wants to explore!.
Cover image of Setting forth

Inside the women's rights movement

This well-researched book features quotes by significant players in the women's rights movement and primary sources that show an insider's views of events.
Cover image of Inside the women's rights movement

The unofficial guide to crafting in Minecraft

Presents an unofficial guide to crafting in Minecraft and compares these activities with their real world counterparts.
Cover image of The unofficial guide to crafting in Minecraft

The unofficial guide to biomes in Minecraft

An unofficial look at the biomes that can be built in Minecraft.
Cover image of The unofficial guide to biomes in Minecraft

The unofficial guide to building farms in Minecraft

Text and photographs look at how to build farms in Minecraft.


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