Graphic library. Great escapes of World War II

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Tunneling to freedom

the great escape from Stalag Luft III
A nonfiction graphic work of the story of men who tunneled to escape a German prisoner-of-war camp. Learn about the planners, task leaders, and key players of the escape from Stalag Luft III"--.

Death camp uprising

the escape from Sobibor Concentration Camp
A nonfiction graphic work of the mass breakout from Poland's Sobib?r Concentration camp.

Outrunning the Nazis

the brave escape of resistance fighter Sven S?mme
A nonfiction graphic work that describes the escape of Norwegian spy Sven S?mme from a German warship and his journey to Sweden as he eludes nine hundred German soldiers.

Behind enemy lines

the escape of Robert Grimes with the Comet Line
A nonfiction graphic novel that describes the escape of Lieutenant Robert Grimes from Nazi soldiers with help from the Comet Line, a resistance group that rescued Allied soldiers during World War II.
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