creative nonfiction

creative nonfiction

Fungus is among us!

Rhyming text and color illustrations describe the fungi all around us: in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and on our bodies; and discusses whether or not we should be afraid of it and how it is helpful.
Cover image of Fungus is among us!

Sheep sleep

"This book introduces young readers to the 'eep' word family . . . features . . . 10 words such as 'sheep,' 'jeep,' and 'sleep' to reinforce the sound and letter combination"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Sheep sleep

Anna & Samia

the true story of saving a black rhino
"The story of conservationist Anna Merz and the baby rhino she adopted and raised"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Anna & Samia

The secret life of the little brown bat

A narrative nonfiction picture book that chronicles the day-to-day activities of a little brown bat named Otis. Facts and definitions are woven into the narrative.

The Cottingley fairies

"In 1918, Elsie Wright and her cousin Frances Griffith photographed fairies in their garden, in the small village of Cottingley, Yorkshire. Without expecting it, many people paid attention-- including renowned writer and spiritualist Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This is the story . . . of the true events that led to the Cottingley Fairies becoming a international phenomenon"--Provided by publisher.


"When a young male koala outgrows his mother's pouch, it's time to find a new home for himself--braving perils and adventures along the way"
Cover image of Koala

The hiding game

A picture book that details the true story of Aube Breton's family, who, in the year 1940, took refuge from German soldiers in a magical villa in Southern France.

The secret life of the red fox

A narrative nonfiction picture book that chronicles the day-to-day activities of a red fox named Vixen. Facts and definitions are woven into the narrative.
Cover image of The secret life of the red fox


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