Human rights in focus

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Human rights in focus: human trafficking

"Globally, millions of people live in modern day slavery. Men, women, and children across the world are subject to forced labor and sexual exploitation at the hands of human traffickers. The challenges human trafficking victims face, the efforts to eradicate this crime, and how to assist victims are discussed [in this book]"--Provided by publisher.
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Human rights in focus: illegal immigrants

"Immigration laws are designed to manage immigrant populations, reassert a nations boundaries, and help define what it means to be a citizen of a given country and all of this is meant to be carried out humanely and without discrimination. But some argue that these protections are not enough to guarantee the welfare and human rights of immigrants who enter the country illegally. Those rights, and whether they are being violated, are among the topics examined"--Provided by publisher.

Human rights in focus: the LGBT community

"Human rights advocates contend that the LGBT community has yet to achieve full equality and acceptance in the United States and elsewhere. In [past] ... years in the United States, state legislators have introduced more than 250 bills that limit LGBT rights and twenty of these have become law. In other parts of the world, it remains shameful to identify as LGBT; in some countries, it is even punishable by death. These and other human rights concerns are examined"--Provided by publisher.

Human rights in focus: refugees

Discusses the challenges refugees face as they flee poverty and violence in their home countries, and the conditions they endure while waiting for opportunities to resettle in other countries.

Human rights in focus: genocide

"This book discusses how governments and paramilitary groups engage in genocide and the destruction of national, ethnic, racial, or religious groups. The perpetrators and victims of genocide are examined, along with efforts to eliminate the scourge"--OCLC.
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