etiquette for children and teenagers

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etiquette for children and teenagers

You've got manners!

youthful dining etiquette : table tips from a to z for kids of all ages
An alphabet book, with information about proper dining etiquette for every letter.

Ruby's so rude!

Ruby is a rude dragon. She doesn't take turns or help her friends out. When the dragons go to the forest for a picnic she learns a lesson in manners and behavior the hard way.

Manners at school

Introduces children to school etiquette from hallways to classrooms to field trips.

Rules in the classroom

Text and color photographs explore classroom etiquette.

Saying please and thank you

Learning to speak in a polite manner can be tough. Sometimes, people receive gifts they don t like, don t want to help out at home, or are just in a hurry! Readers learn that politeness is easy to spread with just a few simple words please and thank you. Taking the time to thank someone lets him or her know they are appreciated. Saying please shows a similar respect. Easy-to-read language aids beginning readers navigating both text and good manners for the first time.

Monster knows please and thank you

"Fun text and illustrations teach the basic concept of using manners and saying, "Please" and "Thank you""--Provided by publisher.

Mary Wrightly, so politely

"Mary Wrightly is a polite young girl who speaks a small, soft voice--unless she really wants to be heard!"--Provided by publisher.

You're finally here!

Although Bunny is excited to finally have a reader open his book, he expresses his impatience at the long wait.

Saying I'm sorry

Learning remorse at wrongdoing is tough, especially for children. However, having a few little words to help show that remorse can really speed the process of making up for saying mean things, not sharing, or being rude. Readers see the many situations in which the words (3z(BI’m sorry(3y (Bshould be used, including scenarios they may encounter in school or at home. Understandable language helps introduce this important concept and explains how much better everyone feels when an apology is given.

Manners with technology

"A young monster who takes her sister's tablet computer without asking gets a lesson in online etiquette and appropriate use of electronics"--.


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