
Topical Term

The lion's share

Ant is honored to receive an invitation to lion's annual dinner party, but is shocked when the other guests behave rudely and then accuse her of thinking only of herself.

Mind your manners in school

Brief stories describe classroom friendships, the importance of silence when the teacher is giving a lesson, the friendly way for borrowing and sharing storybooks, picking up toys after playtime, and other typical school situations.

Manners mash-up: a goofy guide to good behavior

Simple text and color illustrations introduce young readers to proper etiquette, depicting various settings in which children often find themselves, and highlighting appropriate behaviors in these settings.

Be respectful!

a hero's guide to being courteous
Teaches children how to be respectful and courteous by not only being polite, but also showing tolerance, doing good deeds, and making wise choices.
Cover image of Be respectful!

Goldilocks for dinner

a funny book about manners
"Goblin and Troll are headed to town for tea, hoping they don't run into any wretched children. Children are smelly and rude! Goblin has an idea--they'll find the rudest child of all and have it for dinner"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Goldilocks for dinner

Snow White and the magic mirror

Snow White wants to enter a painting contest, but she keeps getting interrupted by people asking for favors--until the magic mirror offers her some practical advice.
Cover image of Snow White and the magic mirror

Que cosas dice mi abuela!

dichos y refranes sobre los buenos modales
Demonstates how traditional Spanish-language proverbs and sayings about manners and human relations that a grandmother might repeat apply to ordinary situations that arise during the course of the day.
Cover image of Que cosas dice mi abuela!

Good manners on the phone

Simple text and illustrations describe the proper way to behave while on the telephone. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Good manners at school

Simple text and illustrations describe the proper way to behave while at school. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Being a good guest

A simple guide to understanding and using basic manners when you are a guest. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.


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