Macdonald, Maryann

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The pink party

Amy and Lisa's friendship is jeopardized by a competition over who can have the most pink things.

Rosie and the poor rabbits

Rosie's reluctance to give some of her clothes and toys to other rabbits who are not so well off as she changes after a revealing dream.

Rabbit's birthday kite

Receiving a birthday kite from Hedgehog, impatient Rabbit learns that kiteflying requires a few lessons.

Hedgehog bakes a cake

As Hedgehog starts to make a cake, his friends stop by, one by one, and each has advice for the project.

Sam's worries

Sam overcomes his anxieties by confessing them to his stuffed bear, who kindly agrees to take over the job of worrying about things at night.

Rabbit's birthday kite

After receiving a birthday kite from Hedgehog, impatient Rabbit learns that kiteflying requires a few lessons.

The costume copycat

Every year Angela's older sister outshines her at Halloween, until one year Angela creates her own special costume.
Cover image of The costume copycat


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