spy stories

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spy stories

True honor

Darcy St. James returns to the CIA after the September 11 attacks, using her network of contacts to look for those responsible, and finds herself falling in love with Navy SEAL Sam Houston, who, as the war heats up, learns that Darcy is one of the terrorists' next targets.

Tom Clancy's splinter cell

operation barracuda
While continuing to investigate an international arms dealing ring known as the Shop, National Security Agency special operative Sam Fisher travels to Hong Kong to look into the death of Jeinsen, a German scientist who had recently developed a submarine for the United States Navy.

Tom Clancy's splinter cell

While continuing to investigate an international arms dealing ring known as the Shop, National Security Agency special operative Sam Fisher travels to Hong Kong to look into the death of Jeinsen, a German scientist who had recently developed a submarine for the United States Navy.

Tom Clancy's splinter cell

Sam Fisher, an operative for Third Echelon special operations, is called off a training exercise to intercept a freighter with radioactive cargo and disable the ship, then races against time to find the mastermind behind a series of strikes against the U.S.

The secret soldier

John Wells meets with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, who informs John of plots to overthrow his reign, and--with secret permission from the CIA--John goes undercover and finds out there are few people he can trust, in the Middle East or in Washington, as he tries to prevent a conspiracy from coming to pass.

The silent man

CIA agent John Wells believes he knows who was responsible for an attack on American civilians, and goes against the advice of his superiors and Jennifer Exley--his colleague and fianc?e--when he travels to Russia and Europe, where he learns about an Islamic terrorist plan.

The ghost war

John Wells, a CIA agent who successfully infiltrated al-Qaeda, returns to Washington D.C., but his sense of disquiet and a surge in Taliban activity returns him to Afghanistan, where he learns of more suspicious activity in China, North Korea, and Iran, as well as a possible mole in the CIA.

Tom Clancy's Net force

state of war
A rash of minor malfunctions and a sudden onslaught of lawsuits succeeds in keeping the attention of the Net Force diverted while criminal mastermind Mitchell Townsend Ames launches his sinister plot.

The spy princess

Lady Lilah disguises herself and sneaks out of the palace, only to find the country is in revolution and her brother is one of the ring-leaders.


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