goth culture (subculture)

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goth culture (subculture)

Stake that!

Still reeling from having lost her chance to become a vampire, sixteen-year-old Rayne learns that she is destined to be the new Vampire Slayer and must go undercover to stop a maniacal member of the undead who seeks vengeance and power by spreading a fatal blood disease.

Emily the strange

dark times
Emily uses her homemade "Time-Out Machine" to investigate the truth behind her history assignment, and documents her visit to long-dead relatives in journal entries with artwork.

Boys that bite

Due to a case of mistaken identity, Sunshine McDonald is bitten by a good looking vampire and must find a way to reverse the vampire curse before she becomes one of the undead for the rest of time.

Goth Girl rising

Kyra, who is also known as Goth Girl, returns home from the Maryland Mental Health Unit to find out that things have changed, particularly her friend Fanboy, who has transformed into somebody she barely recognizes, which causes her anger and dark memories to return.

Oh my goth

Jade Leigh has always been known as her high school's nonconformist Goth girl, but when Jade winds up in trouble once again, the principal decides to teach her a lesson and sends her to an alternate universe where the whole world is Goth and Jade is actually popular.


a ghost story
A lonely seventeen-year-old who has dreamed of meeting a different and special boy desperately seeks help from his friend Trace, a Goth girl, to free him from the clutches of a handsome ghost he has met on a rural New Jersey highway.

The goth bible

a compendium for the darkly inclined
An artistic culture that revels in the Victorian romantic movement, The goth Bible brings to light the traditions and history of all that is goth.

Gothic charm school

an essential guide to goths and those who love them
Jillian Venters provides information about the goth subculture and offers advice for people interested in it, covering its the history, misconceptions, clothing, makeup, clich?s, romance etiquette, socializing, music, and other related topics.

Must love black

Philippa, a coffee-loving, seclusion-seeking Goth girl, takes a job working as a nanny for a set of weird ten-year-old twins at a creepy mansion on the Maine coast where she meets Geoff, the gardener, who she believes may be her dream guy--if only he were not involved with a girl who likes pink.


a guide to an American subculture
A history of the Goth subculture and its impact on popular culture.


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