juvenile fiction / social themes / bullying

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juvenile fiction / social themes / bullying

My magical life

"Everyone in Zach King's family has a magical power. His father can turn back time, his sister can turn invisible, and his mother can transform any object into something else. And Zach... well, he hasn't found his magical power yet and his family is growing worried that he's been 'skipped.' So his parents decide to stop homeschooling him in magical arts and send him instead to a regular middle school with regular kids. To Zach, it's the worst news ever. Who wants to be ordinary when everyone around them is extraordinary? But Zach quickly learns that going to regular school with regular kids isn't all that bad. Who knew having real friends would be so much fun? And just when Zach least expects it, he discovers a pair of magical snapbacks that might just be the magical thing he's been looking for his whole life. The only thing standing in his way is the school bully, Tricia Stands. She's determined to make sure Zach doesn't get more popular than she is, and so she plans a prank so awful, so evil, it could cause the biggest disaster Horace Greeley Middle School has ever seen"--OCLC.
Cover image of My magical life

Kicking & screaming

Steve is King of the Bench. No brag. It's just a fact. But this season, his soccer-loving pals Joey and Carlos plus soccer superstar Becky O'Callahan are dragging him off the bench to play for the Spiro T. Agnew JV soccer team, even though soccer doesn't exactly fry his burger.
Cover image of Kicking & screaming


"In his daydreams, Jensen is the biggest hero that ever was, saving the world and his friends on a daily basis. But his middle school reality is VERY different - math is hard, getting along with friends is hard...Even finding a partner for the class project is a big problem when you always get picked last. And the pressure's on even more once the school newspaper's dynamic duo, Jenny and Akilah, draw Jensen into the whirlwind of school news, social experiment projects, and behind-the-scenes club drama. Jensen's always played the middle school game one level at a time, but suddenly, someone's cranked up the difficulty setting. Will those daring daydreams of his finally work in his favor, or will he have to find real solutions to his real life problems?"--.
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