Colum, Padraic

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A treasury of Irish folklore

The children's Homer

the adventures of Odysseus and the tale of Troy
A retelling of the events of the Trojan War and the wanderings of Odysseus based on Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey.".

The golden fleece and the heroes who lived before Achilles

Jason and his crew of Argonauts set sail on his ship the Argo in search of the golden fleece.

The Trojan War and the adventures of Odysseus

A retelling of the events of the Trojan War and the wanderings of Odysseus based on Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.

Nordic gods and heroes

A collection of Norse myths and legends featuring such gods as Odin, Thor, Frey, and Freya.

The children's Homer

the adventures of Odysseus and the tale of Troy
A retelling of the events of the Trojan War and the wanderings of Odysseus based on Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.

The adventures of Odysseus and the tale of Troy

An illustrated retelling of the events of the Trojan War and the wanderings of Odysseus based on Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.

The children of Odin

the book of northern myths
A retelling of the Norse sagas about Odin, Freya, Thor, Loki and the other gods and gaddesses who lived in Asgard before the dawn of time.


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