psychology / emotions

Topical Term
psychology / emotions

The war for kindness

building empathy in a fractured world
"A Stanford psychologist offers a . . . new understanding of empathy, [arguing for it as] a skill, not a fixed trait, and showing, through science and stories, how we can all become more empathetic"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The war for kindness

Strange contagion

inside the surprising science of infectious behaviors and viral emotions and what they tell us about ourselves
Explores the phenomenom of social contagion by examining the conditions under which five Palo Alto, California, high school students died by suicide in a six month period by stepping in front of an oncoming train; unlocks the mystery of how ideas spread and why they take hold; and offers thoughts on our responsibility to one another.
Cover image of Strange contagion

How emotions are made

the secret life of the brain
Reveals the latest research between the science of emotion and the mind, challenging the assumption that feelings are hardwired into the brain.
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