Presents information from diverse disciplines on the efforts of the states and courts to address inequities in educational opportunities and outcomes in the U.S., and provides annotated lists of organizations, associations, government agencies, and print and nonprint resources.
A collection of essays that examine the many issues surrounding elementary education and offer practical strategies to deal with the challenges associated with the topic.
Explores the issues surrounding middle school education, discussing the many controversies and challenges middle schools and teachers face at the turn of the twenty-first century.
Explores the various issues surrounding secondary schools, discussing their history, curriculum, standardization, and commercialization; includes a list of selected print and nonprint resources.
A comprehensive guide to curriculum trends that describes a variety of strategies being used in twenty-first-century American schools and explains how they can improve students' educations.
Poses fundamental questions about educational reform, discusses the history of reform in American education, looks at various aspects of educational reform, and includes a chronology, a list of print and nonprint resources, and a glossary.
Explores the teaching profession from a critical and experimental standpoint, focusing on the academic preparation required to become a teacher in the United States.
Presents an overview of the assessment movement in American schools, discussing rubrics, portfolios, the standards movement, and ethical questions, and provides an annotated resource section.
Presents an overview of the history of African American education, features a chronology of African American education, and discusses school experiences and options, colleges and universities, and legal influences. Includes lists of related organizations and resources.