
Topical Term

Empire of cotton

a global history
"Tells the story of how, in a remarkably brief period, European entrepreneurs and powerful statesmen recast the world's most significant manufacturing industry combining imperial expansion and slave labor with new machines and wage workers to change the world"--Provided by publisher.

Atlas shrugged

In a technological civilization, people remain insecure and look to the government for protection, sacrificing theircreativity and independence in exchange. A copper tycoon and an inventor reject this philosophy and fight for the individualist.
Cover image of Atlas shrugged

Capitalism and moral responsibility

"The . . . viewpoints in this resource explore the tenets of capitalism and whether or not it is at odds with the development of a just and moral society"
Cover image of Capitalism and moral responsibility

Renovating democracy

governing in the age of globalization and digital capitalism
Examines how democratic systems work and argues that in the light of recent history--the rise of globalism, digital capitalism, Western populism, and Chinese power in the East--we need frameworks for reinterpreting capitalism in this new world, one that integrates social networks to create direct democracy that compliments representative government and ensure that citizens and workers come first before jobs and economy.
Cover image of Renovating democracy

American Capitalism

Explores the history of American capitalism from colonial times to the present.

Winner-take-all politics

how Washington made the rich richer-- and turned its back on the middle class
Chronicles how American politics were transformed beginning in the late 1970s when big business and conservatives achieved deregulation which cut taxes for the wealthy and defeated labor unions resulting in a widening gap between the wealthiest and the middle class. Includes chapter notes and an index.
Cover image of Winner-take-all politics

Is capitalism working?

a primer for the 21st century : over 150 illustrations
Examines the history of capitalism in America. Highlights the current trends as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the current economic system on citizens of the country. Includes resources for further information, and color photographs.
Cover image of Is capitalism working?

What went wrong

how the 1% hijacked the American middle class--and what other countries got right
Examines the American economic experience over the last thirty years resulting from United States economic policies, providing a comparison with the "family capitalism" countries of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden.
Cover image of What went wrong

A world of three zeros

the new economics of zero poverty, zero unemployment, and zero net carbon emissions
Argues that the current form of capitalism is broken, leading to rampant inequality, unemployment and environmental destruction, and that it needs to be replaced with a new economic system that uses altruism as a powerful creative force and explains how global companies are getting involved with the new social economy.
Cover image of A world of three zeros


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